This 6 month programme covers exactly all the energetic, emotional, physical, mental and practical steps a woman needs to feel free of ones’ unrealistic expectations about how her body should be and to know what is right for her.
The B.H.C programme will see you let your body express your soul, your truest self.
I know exactly where you are coming from because I have been there. I went through so many dark cycles of physical pain and trauma over the years that left me a strong feeling of just being a failure. That’s exactly why I do the work that I do today. It is my privilege to support women from feeling ashamed, unworthy, flawed, insecure to feeling grounded, proud, beautiful, at home in their body.
I was only 21 when I severely injured my back: a hernia in the Lumbar spine with a sciatica on each leg…just before starting my 2nd year in my fitness studies. The thing is it was the 3rd year I was getting injuries with long recovery so I was heartbroken when I got the process of recovery, at least another year with physiotherapy and rest, meaning another year watching my colleagues getting professional and even watching passing their exam. But, despite the difficulties I knew that the only way to survive was to learn and observe. I had already a sense of what could be improved into movement but having strong physical pain helped me realised what my real audience will go through in a class or any fitness programme I will provide. And I was lucky to have aGP and a physiotherapist who listened to me and my body. That’s how I understood this crucial turning point in my life that Pain is a messenger not the enemy.
When you shift your perception, you allow yourself to receive the message. Every injury, pain, challenge I experienced in my life lead me to see how all the “little things”, that are still so much underrated, are the foundations of every actions, movements, decisions we make every day, every minute.
I thought working in the fitness industry will be the solution for everything: managing my weight, keeping fit and helping others. But after 20 years, many injuries, eating disorder and a burn out, I have finally realised that the problem was not how much disciplined I was or how much consistent I was or how badly I wanted it. I found out what I have been missing all along: my body is my compass to live at the fullest.
In the Body Harmony Code programme, I have created what my former self then needed to feel worthy of her life without proving she deserves it.